
Career Advice

Nurturing young talent

Over the past decade, Masson Appointments has worked in partnership with a number of schools to promote the importance of considering life after education. We have been involved in a variety of events, which have included Career Speed Networking at The Weald School and a Careers Evening at Farlington. These events, gave students the opportunity to meet local business owners and discuss what qualifications, work experience, skills and competencies were required for various industries and professions. This was particularly helpful for students who were considering GCSE, A Level or Degree options, as it gave greater insight into the world of work.

Getting ready for work

We also work with students in relation to cv preparation, work experience placements, interview preparation and techniques as well as workplace etiquette and grooming. It is very difficult unless a young person has always known what career they would like to pursue, what opportunities are available. We can help to guide and give the benefit of our experience within the marketplace of what they can expect and how they can be best prepared.

We would be happy to discuss running such events or providing advice in a classroom or one to one basis, depending on your requirements.